If you don't know about Terracycle you are really missing out. This company embodies all that CAN be good about companies. They are environmentally responsible and create supercool items as well! In fact, I have just signed my school up (I am a teacher in NJ) to collect items to send over to them to reuse. Terracycle generously sends over money for us to use for school supplies or whatever we need.
The writing below comes directly from Terracycle's personal blog. They have asked people to promote their newest venture via our own blogs to help get the word out!
Starting April 5th, and for a limited time only during April, nearly 60 TerraCycle products will be available in every Walmart across the country in honor of the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day. This will include lots of brand new items, which you can look at right now by reading this blog post.
New TerraCycle Products in Walmart
between April 5th and April 29th
A whole bunch of brand new TerraCycle items will be available, during April for a limited time only, at every single Walmart across the country. Starting April 5th, nearly 60 TerraCycle products will be sold right next to the original items they were made from. Cheetos kites and tote bags made from Frito-Lay wrappers will be sold with bags of Frito-Lay chips, while notebooks and purses made out of skittles and M&M wrappers will be sold right next to bags of Mars Candy!
For those of you unfamiliar with the trash to treasure company, TerraCycle, here is a little background information:
TerraCycle collects traditionally non-recyclable waste from people all across the country by paying a non-profit of the person collectings choice, 2 cents for each piece they collect and mail to the company, with the use of a pre-paid shipping label they can print right from the TerraCycle website (www.TerraCycle.net). A majority of TerraCycle’s active participants are schools, because the students usually bring in the items TerraCycle collects during lunch; such as juice pouches, chip bags, and cookie wrappers, plus the money can go right back to the school. TerraCycle uses the waste it receives from its Brigade members to make hundreds of products that are not only eco-friendly, but are also very affordable because its made from waste!
Here are some of the new TerraCycle products you can expect to find at Walmart starting April 5th:
[Kids Growing Kits]
Teach kids about gardening and the environment at the same time with the TerraCycle Kid’s Growing Kits for Vegetables, Flowers or Herbs. The Kits use upcycled Stonyfield Yogurt Cups as planting pots and TerraCycle’s famous Worm Poop mixed with compost for the growing medium. The Kits come with growing instructions and the cardboard tray holding it all together is even embedded with the seeds needed to start the plants. Almost no part of these kits becomes waste and they come with everything you need to start growing right away. Stonyfield and TerraCycle run a free collection program that pays organizations 3 cents for every used Yogurt Cup they collect.
The world’s first standard Delta Kite to be made from food wrappers! These brightly colored kites are made from waste packaging of popular brands like M&M’s and Skittles and look great flying at the beach or above your picnic. Candy wrappers are made strong and light to protect your snacks, which makes them an ideal material to make these affordable, fun kites. So make a statement when you go fly a kite: that you can snack and help the planet! TerraCycle pays schools and non-profits nationwide to collect use packaging, join the 60,000 other groups collecting at www.terracycle.net
[Printed Totes and Wristlets]
For the first time, TerraCycle is proud to introduce a full line of bags made from upcycled food wrappers that are reserved to show the white or silver side, instead of the branded side with logos. Frito-Lay wrappers are turned inside out and have a variety of patterns ranging from flowers to skulls printed on each side. With handles and trim selected to match the patterns, no one will even know these bags are made from waste, until you tell them of course! The line includes a variety of tote bags, wristlets and clutches.
[Notebooks, Folders, Pencil Cases and Journals]
TerraCycle makes a full line of Journals, Folders and Notebooks made from used Mars candy wrappers from favorite brands like Skittles and M&M’s. These unique, bright items are great for school or personal use. Made from waste wrappers, all of TerraCycle school products have a drastically smaller carbon footprint than traditional products and are still just as affordable and fashionable as any other item!
[Accessories Bags]
This range of bags includes everything from camera and shoulder bags to backpacks and lunchboxes. Made from a variety of upcycled wrappers including Mars candy wrappers, Frito-Lay wrappers and Capri Sun drink pouches. The items are made from the same wrappers that will cover the very food they may hold on the way to school or work! All made with trim and handles which match the original logos product these bags are as fun and fashionable as they are eco-friendly!
This is exciting because not only will you easily be able to buy cool new TerraCycle products at Walmarts everywhere, but it will also make the average consumer think twice about where that chip bag or juice pouch is going after they are done using it. This will also give millions of students across the country collecting in a TerraCycle Brigade the opportunity to see their collection efforts come to life!
Please help TerraCycle spread the word about our fantastic new products in Walmart. Once again, the items will be in Walmart starting April 5th and will be availble during April only. No blog is too small and we want all the help we can get to let everyone know where to find TerraCycle products! So please, copy and post the above information on your own blog or share this with other bloggers you know, your twitter followers, Facebook fans, MySpace buddies, friends or family. We thank you very much in advance for your help in supporting TerraCycle and we hope you have a Great Green Day!
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